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I’ll need to unlock these 3 keys if I want to build something out of my life.
I’ve come to a point where I’m utterly disgusted of how stagnant my life has become. And I’ve identified three key bottlenecks that I have to work on.
Obstacles are just challenges for us to figure out and overcome.
1. Dwelling too long on the past
The other day I was talking to a friend about a remark she made, and what she replied kinda shocked me to my senses.
She said something along the lines of:
“It’s been twenty minutes! Why on earth are you still thinking about it?!”
And suddenly I felt like my whole life thus far flashed before me.
She’d moved on from the topic after less than twenty minutes. Yet, here I am dwelling on things more than a decade ago! No wonder I feel like I’m in rut all the time.
It’s time to move on.
2. Overcome inertia. Create momentum.
I’m a chronic procrastinator.
However, whenever I do put in the effort to focus on doing something, say for ten minutes, I find myself getting into the flow state rather easily. And once this happens, deep work comes naturally.